With CAMH’s HeARTLab, we surveyed those who attended Pulse Topology to learn more about their perspectives on public art, mental health and wellbeing, community, and the impacts of the pandemic.
From our friends at HeARTLab:
“At HeART Lab, we honour the strengths and knowledge of people and communities through co-design across the research cycle.
Our methods harness art, research, and technology to work towards health equity – Health Equity, Art, Research, Technology. We view compassion as an action word, and advocate for equity as we move research to practice, together. Equity in healthcare means the absence of unfair differences in health and wellness between groups of people. These differences in wellness and health are often the result of social, economic, or geographic disparities.
We explore topics from multiple perspectives and tell stories to understand these differences and unfair disadvantages, and to create strength and resilience by learning with people and communities.”
Nearly 750 surveys completed by Pulse Topology attendees revealed the following:
The following “word cloud” displays the thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the installation. The larger the word, the more frequently it was shared in open text responses.