In the News: Five great exhibitions to check out at the CONTACT Photography Festival [Toronto Star]
April 27, 2018
Five great exhibitions to check out at the Contact Photography Festival Murray Whyte, Visual Arts Critic at the Toronto Star, recommends Dana Claxton’s A Forest of Canoes as one of the top five exhibitions to check out at the 2018 Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival. The embarrassment of riches that is the annual Contact Photography Festival only […]
In the News: Toronto’s Bentway will be a new platform for public art [Globe and Mail]
March 5, 2018
The Globe and Mail MATTHEW HAGUE SPECIAL TO THE GLOBE AND MAIL PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 28, 2018 Ilana Altman is accustomed to working with some of the world’s top design firms and art galleries to make great spaces. Now she’s tasked with persuading Toronto residents to spend their spare time under a freeway. As the director […]