Check out our ongoing and upcoming events and series.
on view / ongoing
Family Day
Join us for this season’s final day of skating at The Bentway Skate Trail! We will be open 12pm-9pm on Monday, February 17.
Winter Skating
toThe Bentway is pleased to welcome back neighbours and fun-seekers for one of winter’s best activities, ice skating under the Gardiner! Skaters are invited to cruise our 220m outdoor figure-eight skate trail. Skate rentals are available on-site on select dates. No reservations required! Your favourite seasonal activities return, including free skate rental nights, free hot…
The Space of Belonging
On view nowOn the occasion of Nuit Blanche 2024, The Bentway renews the monumental Staging Grounds scaffolding towers with a new work by Andrea Heimer that explores urban loneliness and the actions we can take as a city to move closer to one another.
Waterfront ReConnect: Boom Town
On view nowBoom Town employs vibrant colour, playful characters, and environmental lighting to enliven the York Street intersection, improving safety and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists.
Waterfront ReConnect: Pixel Story
On view nowPixel Story references the multitude of vantages, scales, speeds, and distances at which to view the Expressway, enticing passersby to move forward towards the waterfront, or pause to reflect on its diverse stories.
Bentway Staging Grounds
On view nowBentway Staging Grounds is a site of active, environmental learning that continues The Bentway’s creative work along the Gardiner Expressway. Visitors are invited into a living laboratory for urban ecology, with experimental gardens that use rainwater run-off from the highway above to support the growth of flowering plant species.
Memory Work
toSituated at the western entrance to The Bentway, Memory Work is a mural made up of twelve embellished photographic portraits of revolutionary women and non-binary figures from a future Toronto. Initiated by studio From Later with artist Rajni Perera and Memory Work Collective, this speculative monument imagines a city characterized by collective care and politics…
events calendar
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